Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Thirsty Knights
Thursday, March 8
20 Shekels
The Thursday night Hash will be in deepest, darkest Netanya this week.  Take the coastal road towards to the Ikea exit (Ramat Poleg.  At the light take a left and continue straight for the next 6 lights.  At the 6th light take a left onto Barukh Ram and make another left soon afterwards at the guard station on your left.  Follow that road down towards the water and look for your hare in the parking lost.  Please allow yourself extra time to get the site as it takes longer to get there than you think + Thurs. nite traffic. 
If you get lost call Deliverance at 054-300-5092.
Apres Run we're all invited to Lady Goldmembers to celebrate her baby. This means:
1. We get tons of free food.
2. We bring our own beer.
3. We should probably bring a clean, sweaty Hash shirt ( as opposed to our dirty smelly Hash that we will have run in).
Your humble scribe
Sir CC