Friday, January 05, 2007


The Hash tradition continues! Fer Fox Sake set the New Year's Day 2007 run/swim and planned out a short 11k trail which was halved, as Captain Caveman reports, due to icky weather.

"Let's see...Run #663 1/3. I sat in the car because it was cold. I saw Foxake approaching from the west so I got out of the car. Dr. D arrived with Champagne and kosher cheese and kosher salami. Goldmember arrived and complained. Letourn-Ho arrived late so we waited (still cold). No one else arrived so we ran. The Hare allowed us a 6 km shortcut. We got to the sea, took off shoes and some of us took off socks too and sort of went in. L-Ho said that compared to Oregon, it's warm. L-Ho said she was now cold so we ran back to the circle. The run was changed to 663 1/4. We had the Champagne and kosher cheese and kosher salami. We had Champagne down-downs. We had Beer down-downs. We welcomed the New Year. We went home."

Apparently everyone was SCB and aside from that, no one remembers any of the actual Down-downs. Here's proof: